Democrats-Iraq-Liberal - A New Beginning
Some ideas are repeated several times in different ways. Don’t get frustrated, let it sink in………………….
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The ‘blues’ supporting our troops?
It seems to many that the “blues” are the ones that defected from the team. They are the ones that said ‘he’s not our President”. They are the ones that did their part, equal if not more to that of President Bush, in separating this country by acting the way they did after the election.
The soldiers over in Iraq know about the discord of this past election. I know they are aware of what was said by the ‘blue’ media, the “blue” Democrats and the “blue” people that think they are so smart and so sophisticated that they can claim support for the troops, yet be against the war.
I know that it is disheartening to those soldiers.
The ‘blues’ had the message of hate and the message that we should be embarrassed at how the world views us because of our President. Actually I’m embarrassed more by the offering up of Kerry as a candidate for President. A man that came back from Vietnam and broke the brotherhood and encouraged the enemy to continue fighting because he was their friend. I’m embarrassed that a great many in our country bought and backed the naked lies and propaganda of Michael Moore’s film. I’m embarrassed that we have ‘blues’ and the ‘blue’s’ media that seeks to expose every misstep of our military for the world to see, including our enemies.
I’m not embarrassed of America and the freeing of Afghanistan and Iraq. I’m not embarrassed of a plain talking President. I’m not embarrassed that through the buying power of America we support millions of workers worldwide that can come home to their families and have food on the table. Many socialist countries are being supported by America’s economic strength. Yet here at home the ‘blues’ find every avenue to slow and stagnate our industries. Progressive income taxes, corporate gains taxes and still they say they need more. They paint corporate America as greedy and uncaring. This is bigotry and it is just as erroneous and just as mean spirited as saying Blacks are intellectually inferior to Caucasians.
The ‘blues’ don’t admit to propagating the image that would encourage others in the world to think badly of us. They help create this worldwide climate, then they complain about the rain. Ironically the rain is blamed on George Bush.
The ‘blues’ think it is not only their right but their duty to expose every thing we do that could be construed as ‘bad’ to others, and do not consider it their equal duty if not more important duty to not encourage those that would kill us.
In fact their messages could concentrate on the good that is being accomplished in Iraq.
The ‘blue’ media could instill meaning in every soldier and civilian death by showing Iraqi’s being trained in the skills that will enable them to rebuild their own country in the aftermath of terrorism. How many stories have you seen about schools being opened in Iraq? How many stories have you seen of Iraqi women expressing gratitude that they are no longer subject to rape by an Iraqi dictator’s henchmen? Who could dispute the truth that a more free, less miserable people will fight less. Which means we are safer. But the ‘blues’ think that we are already safe, that 9/11 was a fluke and our posture in Iraq is reprehensible. Our troops have even heard that maybe Iraqi’s don’t want freedom.
The ‘blues’ seem to be in another world. What beats in the heart of every man?
Could the ‘blue’ media find stories of success? Stories of people overcoming adversity would be very popular worldwide.
They publicly proclaim that our President is dimwitted and unable to understand the nuances of foreign policy, yet they unabashedly hang out our dirty laundry to others. They call their own country a bully, in the middle of a war.
The blues have this right of freedom. But having a right to do something is not the same as having the maturity to judiciously use of those rights. In the past 4 years they have sought to uphold their failed policies, not by debate and proof, but by slandering those that oppose them.
They claim that ‘non-blues’ don’t know the facts, or have lower IQ’s.
“You give a man a fish, you have a friend for a meal, you teach a man to fish, and you have a friend for life.”
The subtle truth to these words seems to be lost on the “blues”.
Our soldiers are attempting to make our success tangible and long lasting.
If they had taken the tact of a good-natured ribbing of our President’s use of the English Language, and not the hateful vulgarity that they use, their latest losses in the House and Senate would not have been as great or would not have occurred at all.
Instead of looking at the Christian Moral Majority in lock step with Greedy Corporate America, the ‘blues’ might consider dropping their current divisive message of the have and have-nots, think out of the box, roll up their sleeves and help America make the best of a bad situation brought on by 9/11.
The ‘blues’ are great at creating propaganda.
Could the ‘blue’ media and entertainment industries quit obstructing and begin to help our efforts to educate Afghans and Iraqis the benefits of a free society?
Could the ‘blue’ teachers union divert their energies toward helping America educate our Afghan and Iraqi ‘brothers’?
Could our movie makers give them the psychological benefits of escapism and visual education? Could our sports industries introduce peaceful competition?
The ‘blues’ supporting our troops?
Not yet but they could…………………………
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