Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Conservative, Liberal, Iraq, Social Security, Freedom


I imagine how there must have been debate throughout the 1800’s and into the middle 1900’s about our American African brothers and sisters didn’t really need freedom, or later the right to vote. They feel they owe the Democratic Party a lot for being the party that furthered their cause. Whether this is a mistaken idea is a debate for another day.

Then I remember that in politics it’s all about power. The Democrats got the American African vote. To keep the vote they went about promising things. Then came the Rainbow Coalition made up mainly of non-whites. The Democratic Party made more promises. The social programs grew and still it was not enough.

The environmentalists soon joined forces, pacifists joining ranks with the Rainbow Coalition, the Democrats owned Congress. Unions became stronger, workers rights expanded and those that earned more were taxed at a higher percentage than those that accomplished less. Many arguments were presented.

The Republicans don't care about the "little guy".
Look at us we gave you Medicaid, we gave you welfare; we said more money would improve our schools. We gave you the War on Poverty.

Push Back Time:
The power is slowly going the other way now.

Why? Because the non-whites and poor are slowly starting to realize it is better to take part in the promise of America than just to live off of it. Self worth in a free society is one of its keys to success. The Democrats did not foster self worth in the ideals of America offering opportunity. Instead they fought for more handouts while punishing those that are successful.

Many of the non-whites substituted true self-worth by exaggerating their past, and by continually reminding others about the awful wrong that was done. I’ve been hearing this for 40 years. Now I have to feel guilty about slavery? It worked for a while.

Then I got to the point where I realized the past starts now. At some point in time people must take responsibility for their decisions and actions. More and more of the Rainbow Coalition are dropping out because more and more are realizing the true promise of America is not how much she can give to you, but rather your freedom to accomplish things far beyond the monthly welfare check.

They are also realizing those that thirst for power by promising freebees offer no true respect. They know that the personal gains in their own lives did not come from the welfare check but by their own sweat. They feel a lot more proud of that than the former.

The environmentalist and unions are starting to lose power too, because of the world market place. The idea that corporate profits are a sin is losing it's attractiveness.

The idea that if you earn more than most, you owe a disproportionate amount to others that don't earn as much is losing its grip on the American psyche.

Devisive President:
I often grin when I’ve read and heard pundits describe George Bush as a divisive President when the only ones that seem to have a problem are themselves.

The Democrats have their own fear tactics that they accuse G.W. of having. “They’re going to destroy Social Security." Then they add, "We’ve got time to fix it, just not now.” What a legacy to leave our children.

Even F.D.R. proposed personal accounts but the Congress rejected it. Why do the Democrats still refuse to allow it? Because as long as it's solely a government program they can use it to keep in power. The greatest fear of any liberal is the true independence of their constituents. Where do their fear tactics go if we are not dependent on them?

If it's a Government program, they can always warn you about its destruction.

Every time there is a balloon floated about a flat consumer tax, the Democrats warn that is will affect the poor and benefit the rich. More divisive rhetoric. More fear mongering. It's the same rhetoric now for 50 years.

No new ideas. Just fighting for the status quo. They no longer champion progressive thought, only the status quo.

The same for any attempt at decreasing the penalty for success.

This affects the poor. How? How does it affect the poor?

To me this whole rhetoric fosters the idea of robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. It is childish and naïve. Instead of stealing from the rich, they just get a bunch of voters together, played on their feelings of inadequacy and put forth the notion that being rich is somehow wrong and must be punished. If you're rich, you must have screwed somebody.

After all the rich have more of an obligation to give back. Why?

Isn’t it immoral to take more from one American than another? Whatever happened to equality under the law?

The “evil Big Oil Corporations” come to mind also. The Democrats have offered no plan on how America was suppose to keep this economy going (translated food on your table without having to stand in bread lines) without attempting to use diplomatic influence and military power. Where’s the meat? Where's the plan that will work and has worked historically?

“The evil American corporations and the United States Government have backed oppressive governments to secure raw material world-wide.” How many times has that idea been propagated upon the uninformed.

Those "evil" American Corporations also must survive, yes profit, if they are to employ Americans. After all American Workers must be protected, paid vacation, 50/50 split on Medicaid. If oil were to dry up, how soon would it be before the bread lines start? How many American children would starve?

If people don’t work, the Government can’t take care of them. Where’s the wealth to redistribute? Again, where’s the plan? You’ve complained for 40 years about how unfair we have been. So, what next? If you don’t have anything to offer, I would suggest that we deal with the world as it is, successfully, first, and then let’s work on how we want the world to be.

We shouldn’t punish those that deal with it more successfully than we, just by the fact that they are more successful. That is immoral.

Since the 70’s and 80’s the world has changed. We have learned some valuable lessons.

Starting in the second World War Arab nations have been affiliated with the likes of Hitler. These nations are known for their tyranny. They banded together in 1960’s and 70’s for the purpose of destroying Israel.

Yes we’ve supported some to keep the oil flowing. This was done for all of us by our government. The American government did this for us, not against us and not against the Arab nations.
When they nationalized their wells, thus gaining economic freedom, we did not invade and subjugate them. We kept playing the game, with the U.N., to keep the oil flowing.

Now the prices are out of control and because of the price, the Democrats squawk about getting off of oil as if it is their idea and Republicans and big oil are against it.

They show their naivety when they make these accusations. The oil companies would look forward to changing to a renewable energy source that was cleaner. It would release billions now spent on EPA guidelines to expand and hire more workers. It can only happen when technology allows, not before. Until then why make enemies of fellow Americans? Why be divisive?

Now we have a President that has a bold new progressive vision for America.

How long does it take to realize that our peace and freedom is dependant on the freedom of others?

I heard during the Presidential race often about our arrogance in demanding other governments allowing their people freedom. How arrogant Bush was.

I thought back to our Civil War and how the southerners accused Lincoln of arrogance in freeing the slaves. (He too was a Republican and he was assassinated for his arrogance) The same theories were floated then as now, “They may not even want freedom, they don’t know no different”.

The Democrats have applied this same logic to freeing Iraq.

And don’t let any American Corporation make any money off of this either. That’s evil. Win-Win situations are evil. Get it? Those civilians that are in charge of rebuilding a war torn country at the risk of their lives are not considered. “So what? They’re getting paid for it! A lot too! Hrummph! A lot more than our poor soldiers.”

Time to Change Our Rhetoric:
I believe that freedom beats in the breast of every man, woman and child on earth. To deny this is a denial of the very fabric, the very foundation of our country. Let’s take the time to read the Declaration of Independence and the preamble of our Constitution before we give aid and comfort to the terrorists by trampling our own heritage with derisive rhetoric about the arrogance of freeing others from tyranny’s oppression.

Let the non-whites stop bringing up the past as a hammer to hold over someone’s head. Let them look beyond their own insignificant plight as compared to other peoples in other lands that have lived and continue to live under tyranny. Let them rise up in support of freedom for everyone.

Let the teachers union realize that merit should be mostly based on teaching performance not because they somehow deserve it for tenure with little teaching performance. Let them realize their performance is the best guarantee to a well-educated youth. Yes, testing should be done to measure performance in schools and yes, it does reflect on how well they do their job as teachers. Let them stand behind freedom of education in other countries.

Let the women of our country look beyond their own struggle here at home long enough to join in the President’s vision of woman’s suffrage in other countries. These women live in fear of their lives if they expose their faces.

Let our entertainment industry see past their theories and rumors of voter fraud and evil corporate America long enough to realize the enormous gift of escapism and the healing powers escapism has.

Let them develop enough in esoteric fundamentals to realize that entertainment could supply the healing salve to those newly released from tyranny. Newly freed people are just beginning to rebuild their homes, their schools, their Universities, their economy, these people can accomplish it faster with entertainment offered when they rest from a hard day.

Let our media see past challenging the government at every step to seeing a greater opportunity in keeping our psyches positive for the tough years ahead. We need stories of freedom’s success instead of the steady onslaught of tempest in teapots negativism.

Let the Democrats drop arguments that are 50 years old and develop new tactics to have a voice in our Democratic Republic.

They try to project the image of progressive thought with environmental issues and social issues. Let them drop their regressive tax code demands and stop punishing success.

Let them step up to the plate and be progressive in restructuring the Social Security System. Let the wealth of Social Security be dependent on our economic health.

It is anyway, just personal accounts places it in our hands not the Governments. Is there a Government program that is more effecient than the same being done in the highly competitive "Private Sector".

As the current deficits show, as goes the economy, so goes our government’s ability to care for the elderly and those that are poor or disabled anyway. Do you really think that if the economy tanks it’s not going to affect Social Security anyway, even if it remains the same?

Let them stop fighting for every single penny of government handouts and devise new ways to solve a problem. We’ve been throwing money at our problems for years and they keep growing.

Instead of making enemies of our corporations and being the leading divisive force in our society the Democrats need a truly progressive message not fight so hard for the status quo.

The point:
Our tax code absorbs billions of dollars from corporations.
A consumption tax would allow the influx of 350 billion dollars from the drug trade alone. We would recover more than that from the other facets of the underground cash only economy. Let the Democrats realize that's more money for the poor, the elderly and those in need of medical help.


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