Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,

I just heard that the new Iraqi government is an Islamic one.

Did Japan keep its emperor? We seemed to recognize then that they weren’t capable of democracy without them giving up old ways of thinking.

So we twisted arms.
America being the ‘beast’ that it is. (He writes sarcastically)

Were there safeguards introduced into the West German government that guarded against another Hitler? Were we insensitive to their culture as claimed by some in the media of the times?

Of course we didn’t pay attention to the PC Nazis then.

Is Syria still exporting terrorists into Iraq? Isn’t that another Islamic State?

Are Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Egypt Islamic states? Do they export terrorists? If it walks like a duck, if it sounds like a duck…………….

Will Iraq be another country that exports terror? If it walks like a duck….

Without separation of Church and State in the Middle East, my kids, my grandchildren are going to be fighting terrorists long after we both are dead.

I’ve told my children,” Yes kids, our leaders didn’t follow the successes of the past.
They convinced themselves this was different.”

Our men and women would have died in vain if Iraq becomes just another exporter of terror. Islamic states have all supported terror to one degree or another.

Is the wisdom of our forefathers to be discarded that easily by our President?
I thought he took an oath to uphold the constitution yet the truths of our constitution weren’t upheld in Iraq or Afghanistan, as it was in Japan after World War II.

Why should Iraq be any different than a “Syrian” exporter of terrorism, since we didn’t dictate that the government could in no way declare itself a church state?

Once again the spoiled child gets their way and we all will pay.

Why do we continue to support the church state of Israel?

Wouldn’t they have to take “Jewish state” out of their statehood declarations too?

Thank you for your service but would you please try to serve a little better?


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