Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Eyes and Ears of America-Tragic Consequences Await

You assign large numbers to deal with large numbers.

We are in a very real danger of loosing thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of lives because we cannot guard our ports and borders. This is proven each year by professionals ‘testing’ our security and succeeding easily and by the amount of illegal immigrants crossing our borders that are draining our society of resources daily.

Our recent problems observed in our response to the tragedies that visited Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas points up to our inability to respond in a timely manner when large metropolitan areas are involved.

In all three of these areas, response to natural disasters, our port security and our border security all share the common problem in our attempt to deal with overwhelming numbers with very small numbers. We have set a precedent where personal responsibility assumed by our ancestors has increasingly been handed to the government.

In many areas this is a workable solution. During times of emergency where large volumes of goods or people are affected this strategy breaks down. There are so many ships that offload many thousands of containers daily. There are so many avenues across our borders unguarded. There are so many needless deaths we will face during an attack on one of our major population centers.

It will take the work of a “colony of ants” to rectify this breakdown in national safety. During World War II this country was so dedicated to fighting for it’s survival the United States Government actually created a Civil Defense Administration (“Homeland Security”?) that was focused towards training civilians to assume Government national security responsibilities while our boys were fighting ‘over there’.

The main difference between Homeland Security and the Civil Defense Administration is indicated by its name, it is not a civilian oriented organization. They deal only with the authorities of the various states and their agencies. Very little is done in the way of recruiting civilian volunteers such as those that helped guard the Arizona border. Several months ago a group of concerned Americans did something with a lot of common sense in supplying large numbers to deal with large areas of the border and they were called vigilantes.
Border authorities on air said that they were making the situation worse and just getting in the way. Which the facts show afterwards was a complete misconception. They were not in the way and they did help. If they had been trained they would have been more help.

You can take one professional, give him 6 to 8 weeks to train 30 others to do his primary responsibilities, you have leveraged his strength by 30. Multiply that by several hundred trainers now we can leverage many that are trained in a very short time. In 24 weeks, not years, we could have 300x 3 x30 or 27,000 volunteers trained to help guard our borders.

Using the same technique we could address evacuation techniques for cities and covering the containers off loaded in our ports.

There are many Americans that for many different reasons could be trained to be the eyes and ears of this country. All it takes is a change in attitude of a ‘people’s’ party like the Democratic party to bring this type of teamwork between the governed and the governors to fruition and would be a more positive benefit to all Americans than the bile of hatred now propagated by the party. As long as their voice is pitting one group of Americans against another, they are not addressing the needs of those they claim to represent.

We must be more self sufficient in our security than placing that solely in the hands of government when such large numbers are involved. I see no other approach that has been proven successful.

You assign large numbers to deal with large numbers.


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