Saturday, October 08, 2005

Talk Radio-Immigration, TaxPayer Bill of Rights under attack Referendum C and D, Colorado

Streaming Audio Talk Radio Weekdays: Gunny Bob Newman Evenings
Mike Rosen 9:00am to 12:00pm Peter Boyles 5:00am to 9:00am
Gunny Bob Newman 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Dan Caplis and Craig Silverman 3:00pm to 7:00pm

Immigration, Tax Payers Bill of Rights (Tabor Amendment) is under attack in Colorado and is supported by a supposed conservative governor, His Honor, Governor Bill Owens. “Columbus Day parade protests.” Columbus was a “Hitler” according to Native Americans. Can we apply today’s moral standards to a great, brave, explorer who just happen to run into the Bahamas on his way to China? Ooops!

This is an open letter (now it is) to Craig Silverman. What is said about our immigration expenditures can be applied to any state in our Union except for possibly Alaska and the Hawaii. Ones got a 2000 mile wide border of water and the other is for losers or weird people that love freezing their butts off. (Humor here, okay?)

I’m not too good at being politically correct.

I am glad my question was chosen about applying a modern moral template to Columbus, who might have been considered a moderate for his time. During last Friday’s ‘fight night’, both you and Dan and the Judge contradicted yourselves by saying first that, “No, we can’t apply modern understanding to the actions of Columbus who lived 500 years ago” then immediately saying, “but we must……”. Then you went through all the reasons why we must, although at first you said, “No, we can’t…” Then yesterday while discussing C and D with governor Owens, the same question about applying today’s standards of ‘enlightenment’ to Columbus, the governor said, “No, we can’t “ with out the, “but we must”. My wife overheard both the Friday answer and yesterday’s answer from the governor and she wondered why you and Dan didn’t jump in and disagree since you both played the P.C. card with your answer to my question last Friday.

I’ll vote against referendum C because the state has not taken the time to use the media to articulate where they have cut spending except in the most general of terms. Instead they use the “We’re 48th of all the rest of the states in supporting this that and the other thing”. What does that have to do with anything? So what?

I’d like to know how many millions of dollars is being funneled into ‘welfare’ programs for illegal immigrants. How many millions are being spent in books, teachers and classrooms for bilingual education for immigrants thus taking away a primary incentive to immerse themselves in America’s culture. How many more millions are being spent in books and supplies that support our ‘sanctuary policy’? Is it so small we don’t worry about it? Then how broke are we? Before we ‘restructure’ our Colorado ‘company’ we must show we have cut waste. I don’t see it. So, how much money is being spent by the state to pander to the illegal Latinos?
How many of our state representatives would rather put this state in jeopardy to get a vote from a Latino constituent? Are we in trouble?

Side note: When ever I hear a talk show host or Governor Owens say “There are many law abiding illegal immigrants here…etc” I could puke. I’m sick of people saying something then contradicting themselves with the next statement in order to sound ‘reasonable’. How can you be law abiding and be illegally in this country? By the fact that they are here illegally makes them a law breaker. It’s like saying that a serial killer was a law abiding citizen. He had a job, he paid his taxes, maybe even was a loving husband, but he just happened to kill people. So even this serial killer, except for one thing, abided in every other way with the law. We would not accept that argument, why do talk show hosts agree when our Governor says that? Why even bring up those that are Latino and here legally and being law abiding? They do that too. Is it an attempt to somehow cast a good light on the illegal by saying also that legal immigrants are ‘fine’ people? What fantasy world are we living in?

Then there are the services that they supply. What? They are the only ones that would provide labor? How did this country ever survive? We relied on cheap labor for specific “national” projects like the Trans Continental Railroad, but for McDonalds or construction companies that build residences, or restaurants to rely on illegal immigration while the taxpayer foots the bill is, in my mind, a mistake of grave proportions. Especially if the government is crying poor mouth!

Is our state government too fat in administrative jobs like New Orleans evidently was? How many hundreds of millions dollars are being spent on unnecessary administration jobs? Can these be cut before we cut into services? Governor Owens doesn’t address these issues with any forthrightness nor does your show. You serve up quick ‘junk food’ discussion when it comes to referendum C and D. Get all the talking heads on, that have a axe to grind one way or the other, but nothing is really asked of them that would show where cuts have been made and precisely what guarantees do we have that the same waste wouldn’t occur when they get more of our money? Nada! Zero! Zilch! :-) :-)
Have a good day Craig.



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