Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sedition Committed by Congress and the 'free' press

Something That Nobody Wants To Hear

We have a seditious Congress. The more bellicose our Congress becomes towards the war on terror, the more of our children, our friends, our mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers in Iraq will be killed.

Those who doubt the affect our Congress, our Media has on the enemy need only look towards Vietnam. Every time one of our leaders or every time a John Kerry or a Jane Fonda would open their mouths, they gave good cheer to the North Vietnamese. The North Vietnamese who served during that time, including a North Vietnamese general,Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, said that if it hadn’t been for the constant adversity to the Vietnam War from the American press and people, they would have given up. It had been too long a war.

“The North Vietnamese general in charge of the military campaign that finally drove the U.S. out of South Vietnam in 1975 credited a group led by Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry with helping him achieve victory.

In his 1985 memoir about the war, Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap wrote that if it weren't for organizations like Kerry's Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Hanoi would have surrendered to the U.S.”

The socialists and the media convinced this country that the war would be endless, winless. “Look at the French.” They would say. “They were there for 40 years.”

A theory of mine is this, the reason the French were there for 40 years is that they had gone through a Nazi occupation and had to rebuild from World War II. This, the French had to do while overcoming the effects of the world wide depression in the 20’s and 30’s. This is fodder for another post however.

Every time I heard someone say it was a winless war because the North Vietnamese had stuck it out for 40 years and essentially defeated the French. (As if that’s saying a lot :-)), I didn’t hear or see anyone say that the North Vietnamese had been at war that long too and that they were getting tired of war. They had already lost hundreds of thousands.

Thinking of the previous point about people from North Vietnam saying that it was our protests that gave them encouragement, I would argue now as I did then that the most disheartening thing the North Vietnamese underwent during the early 60's was the fact that the United States entered the fray against them after the withdrawal of the French. A nation that had turned the tide of two world wars was now entering the picture. How discouraging that must have been.

Remember again, the North Vietnamese had been at war for 40 years and how sweet it must have been to read and witness the turmoil about the war raging in the United States. These protests and how it affected our prosecution of the war was indeed encouraging to those in North Vietnam.

No one has to take this writer’s word for it, all they need to do is read and listen to what the North Vietnamese have said since 1975.

Everyone that still believes that the Vietnam War could not have been won should listen and listen hard.

If this country were led now by the likes of Abraham Lincoln (suspension of habeus corpus and the institution of an executive order to charge any congressman that protested the Civil War with treason) or the likes of F.D.R. (complete control of media stories concerning the war, instituting the sedition act), we could present a united 'front' to our enemies as we did immediately following September 11, 2001. This is what we need.

We do not need Dean, Kennedy or Murth giving aid and comfort to the enemy as John Kerry and Jane Fonda did during Vietnam.


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