Saturday, December 17, 2005

How much are we sacrificing in honor of our military sacrifices.

Dan and Craig,
We are sitting at a table together. That’s why I write you both the same letter.

You lower yourselves in my eyes so much when you use two hours of precious air time without discussing the defeat of the patriot act in its present form.
Some of our Democratic and Republican representatives can’t seem to give up anything but their hot air about supporting the troops. Enough of the patriotic pretenders swayed from winning a war and yes giving up some personal freedoms temporarily. It is too dangerous supposedly. There is nothing in that act which goes over the line during wartime when taken in a historical perspective. The debate is a non debate. The only thing we seem confused about is whether we are at war. You are a reflection of a vast number of Americans that give only lip service to our sons and daughters dying in Iraq.

Ask them if we are at war. We refuse to treat this like a war. Maybe the next attack will wake you and the rest of the self indulgent up.

Where was the Iraq war veteran during our tirade about Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas? This is tempest in a teapot talk show b.s. that is usually reserved for the silly liberals on 760. Not so anymore. We have to. As conservatives we have our own pet peeves?

Meanwhile, as we discuss with such relish what divides us, a war for free unity is being fought with lives lost. What’s ironic is we fought to be united in freedom too. Yet close to half of us choose to hedge our bets to not be called a neocon, or a war supporter. (Only the hard hearted can support war). We are afraid so we turn to ‘mealy mouth’ topics instead.

People can’t pull out an ID while on Federal property without it infringing on their rights too much. Good God. What is this? Disneyland? We did the same in the 60’s and early 70’s. Most Americans attempted to fight a war not willing to give up a thing at home, except for the families of those that died. Kerry was calling Vietnam Veterans war criminals and he does it again. Jane Fonda is opening her pie hole again and you people discuss this tripe. A war of ideas is waged daily that costs American lives. Hello?

Then you give time to the Arab side, but none to veterans that have been over there. Where does your patriotism start? Where does it end?

Evidently it ends when the Federal Government wants to look at 500 people out of 2.7 million through their communication with others.
Wow! That’s a lot. You have nothing to say about one more chip being taken at our success in defending ourselves? What does it take? Possibly a dirty bomb in L.A. would get your attention? That is the heathen capital of the world to the fanatical Muslim, Christian, or Jew. You think it so impossible?

How did FDR control the press? How did FDR deal with the Italians, Germans and the Japanese when loyalty was in question during WWII?

Oh that was a mistake? I don’t think so. It was being afraid.

It wasn’t racist, it was covering the bases.

Yes peoples lives were put on hold but they were welcomed back and paid to boot for something that was for our defense. The defense we mounted to preserve the freedoms that we temporarily, willingly give up, if we are to survive.

It has very little to do with giving up our rights actually. It has a great deal to do with not being able to give up anything.

We use to trust our method of self governance enough to relinquish certain rights now, so that we can enjoy them once again tomorrow. But this isn’t thought of in the same light as WWII. War needs to be more obvious I guess.

I hope it becomes more obvious before my sons and daughters die because close to half of us were convinced it couldn’t happen here again.

Or that we could settle for an occasional terrorist attack. Just don't ask me to allow Uncle to look at my mail.

I am relying on your goodness to recognize this as a letter of disappointment, put strongly without cursing, to two very gifted men.

Craig, instead of wishing for more to achieve, you could sure help me pull this DVD together with Arab Voiceovers. You’ll get to work with some dynamite Muslims and bring a smile to many Arab faces. They want America in Iraq.

Have a good one. Strive to reach your full potential as a defender of freedom first. Sometimes you got to give up in order to get more than you gave. You got to spend capital to get more back. Free market thingy I guess. I guess it works in defending freedom. You’ve got to put some into it, to get more back.

We just aren't afraid (aware) enough to realize this I guess.



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