Sunday, March 12, 2006

Addictions, Muslim Oil, what we have not done.

Not too long ago we faced our greatest threats Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. America cast a deaf ear and a blind eye toward Europe. Our sailors and airmen entered a shooting war without their country being at war. We secured Iceland and relieved British naval facilities throughout the North Atlantic.

American men were dying. Still we waited and debated. Pearl Harbor woke us up. September 11th did not.
Truth came on September 11th as it did in December of 1941.

Still we turn a deaf ear, debating racial profiling, Halliburton, secure borders, deportation. We want to create and deal with a multitude of intellectual issues that keep us from focusing on our central weakness; our addiction to Middle Eastern oil.

We have flex fuel vehicles, over 11 million on our roads, but no supply/distribution system to supply them with E85. Nothing is mentioned from our leadership. Every truck and car that transports us and our needs could cut it’s usage of gasoline and diesel by 85%! Would that be enough to completely take away our need for Middle Eastern oil?

I see that nobody in the White House or Congress is calling our agricultural leaders together along with the leaders big oil (who already have the distribution network in place) to go on a 3-5 year plan where every gas station will offer E85.

Public works was used to build our roads and dams, no such effort is offered by our Congress, Senate or Presidency to move this country forward in isolating the needs to our own production of what energizes our economy. Farmers are being paid not to plant, where they could be supplying Ethanol?

Thomas Paine once wrote about commerce and the defense of our nation mutually dependent. Our economy is our strength in defending ourselves. The use of oil is basic to our economy. There is no magic pill, but precise steps can be taken to make our country self sufficient in this basic commodity.

The nay-sayers always say more time is needed. It is too expensive right now. (As if it will be less expensive in the future).

Where is the truth?

There seems to be no rush.

Who is sacrificing now? Ask the 2000 families that can no longer talk to Jason, Cami, John and Sallie. They died because of our need for Middle Eastern oil.

There is a Muslim culture that we depend on for our economy and self defense that is patient enough and bright enough to use every means to implement its goals. Where temporary treaties with the enemy are tools to use until the Muslim culture’s strength is strong enough to triumph.

Centuries mean little to most Muslims except for the firebrands. They too are useful for their constant harassment of the infidels. Then others of the same Muslim culture are those that espouse peace and love. They too are useful, for they lull the less vigilant of us to sleep and fosters our self imposed obligations to them.

This is what we depend on to secure our safety? The Muslim culture has shown itself world wide as one that is set on conquering all those that do not believe as they. They are no different than the menace of the rising sun or the swastika. Yet it is politically incorrect to say or write such things.

But how can we be truly at war with a Muslim controlled Middle Eastern country if at the same time we depend on the Middle East for our economic existence. This is not a left or right issue; although some, as masters of evasion and diversion, have attempted to make it so. Why must we be at war? Is it not for Muslim controlled oil? Are they breaking our economy over time as we did the Soviet Union?

I am afraid for my children. Their world, their future can change at any moment for the worse through nothing more than our dependence on Muslim Oil.

The idea that we are a global economy and must rely on the Middle East for oil, that we have no choice, is spouted by both parties. I hear no one saying, “We have created the need; we can create our independence too.”

Will Americans continue to slumber through the bombings, the beheadings, and the thousands of innocents dying over Middle Eastern oil?

Even establishing Democracies in the Middle East still leaves us with our dependence on Muslim Oil. . I am not saying we went to war in Iraq for oil, but I wonder if the whole question of democracy there would come up if we were not dependent on their oil.

I wrote much of this in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s to newspapers and networks. It’s been 30 years and now I’m 61 and still we sleep. Now 3 thousand people have died in an unprovoked attack. 2000 more have died to make Middle Eastern oil a safer supply. No network executive has taken up the challenge to relentlessly ask what are we doing about our dependence?

No President or Congress has either.

No lobbying groups from the auto manufacturers, from the oil companies or from the agricultural communities have stepped forward.

No trade unions, no pharmaceutical companies have stepped forward.

There isn’t a lobbying group in Congress that is not directly affected by Middle Eastern Oil supply. Yet still they sleep.

We sleep.


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